Monday, February 13, 2012


Read | Philippians 3:13-15

Have you ever attempted to walk in a straight line while looking at your feet? Try this on the beach sometime so you can look back at your footprints. You’ll probably be surprised at how crooked the path is. But fix your eyes upon something faraway, and each step will point in the desired direction—toward that distant focal point.

Our lives are like this. If we set goals, then our decisions, actions, and thoughts will lead to the desired end. On the other hand, if we bumble along in life without specific aims, we will wander and waste much precious time and energy.

Goals are crucial to the well-lived life. Why, then, do so many people fail to formulate purposeful aims? Some simply do not see their importance, while others are too lazy to devise a plan or don’t know how to go about it. And then, there are individuals who lack faith in God’s ability to help them achieve their aspirations.

Think about the many goals Jesus had—they drove everything He did. In fact, His life centred around a primary purpose that was set even before time began: to lay down His life on the cross in order to save mankind from sin and glorify the Father. Jesus also had daily aims, such as teaching those who sought righteousness and serving others.

Imagine the impact our lives could have if we asked God to guide our goals. Ask Him today, “What do You want to change about my life? What do You want to accomplish through me? On what and on whom should I focus?” You were created to glorify the Lord and to be fruitful in His service.

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  1. Very inspiring and right way to discuss the crux of life. Life is really an aimless journey without having goals and once you achieve them, life is complete.
