Monday, February 13, 2012


Read | Revelation 3:14-22

The Christians at Laodicea were self-deceived, picturing themselves as rich and self-sufficient, when in reality, their spiritual blindness and self-righteousness had prevented them from seeing their true poverty. Though they had “closed a door” between themselves and Jesus, He never gave up on them. Can you relate to this idea of a loving Saviour reaching out to you?

Stands at the door - Jesus takes the initiative. He’s ready and willing to seek us, even when we’ve erected a barrier.
Knocks at the door - He tries to get our attention through a variety of means: circumstances, needs, pain, trials, conviction, sleeplessness, or His Word. Then He patiently waits for us to respond.
Invites us to open the door - Though Christ is omnipotent, He never pushes His way into a relationship with us. He lets us choose whether or not we will respond.
Enters through the door - If we open up to Him, He’ll come into our lives. Through the indwelling Holy Spirit, we’ll actually partake of Christ’s divine nature and be transformed into His image.
Dines inside the door - Now that nothing stands between us and Jesus, we can begin to enjoy all the benefits of an intimate relationship with Him and be nourished by His Word.

Where are you in this process? Have you built a barrier between yourself and the Lord? The Laodiceans show us how miserable and wretched we are when we try to keep Jesus at arm’s length. Only when we let Him have unhindered access to our lives will we experience the joy of intimacy with Him.

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